Frequently Asked Dental Questions
Our Westchester Cosmetic Dentist Provides Answers
Dr. Matthew, DDS, MICOI, answers patients' dental questions on Here are some of his answers that may be helpful for you.
Can you use an electric toothbrush on veneers and crowns? Of course you can use an electric toothbrush on veneers and crowns. In fact, we recommend it! Veneers are bonded to your teeth with strong bonding agents and resin cement while crowns are cemented onto your teeth. It would take a much stronger force then an electric toothbrush to loosen a veneer or crown if the veneer is done properly. Electric toothbrushes do a much better job of keeping your teeth and gingiva clean and are recommended in these situations. -
Can I start Invisalign treatments at any age? Considering I just completed Invisalign on a 73-year-old patient, I don't believe age is a factor in your case. If a dentist is telling you that you are not a candidate due to your age, I'd find another Invisalign dentist or an orthodontist for a second opinion. There are certain tooth movements that Invisalign is not good for, and if you need these, you will be better of with brackets. -
How often should I be flossing with Invisalign? One of the benefits of having Invisalign is that you do not have wires bonded on your teeth impeding your oral hygiene. You should be able to do everything you did before you were given the trays and had the buttons placed on your teeth. I'd floss in the morning and before you went to bed. -
Can I fix a disproportionate tooth with a filling? You could even your teeth by placing a composite (tooth-colored) filling there or you could get porcelain veneers on your front teeth. Alternatively, you could try bonding first, and if you aren’t satisfied, you could always get veneers.